Wednesday 25 July 2012

Someone read my last article and said he never knew I was all lovey-dovey,I honestly wish that is what being lovey-dovey feels like. The problem about me is that I can analyze the best way love should occur ,the rules to keeping love afloat, the fact about the honesty of it. Trust me I can do all the analysis and give the best advice but when it comes to me opening my heart to love,that's like the end of the road. Love is one of my greatest fears, the whole idea of having to surrender your heart to someone completely freezes me. I do not even trust myself enough with myself let alone someone else entirely. You can say I am completely screwed up or maybe a mental case but the truth about it is that I know how to love almost perfectly,I have researched over and over,found all the right notes but the idea of letting my guard down TERRIFIES me. I love when its just me having to love myself but I wake up each morning and I pray to find love. The love strong enough to consume my guard, the love that will say to my heart "I may not love you perfectly but I will love you just how you deserve to be loved". Besides that, I also pray not just to love but to love without fear.

1 comment:

Arnold Aycee said...

I used to here so I can relate but the thing is you haven't found that "him" that you'd surrender you heart to even without him asking! For some people,they'd have to ask,but for some others,the person only has to be himself and do that thing that tickles your fancy and soon you'd all over the place for him even to your amazement!true!I ones was like you,but right now.....hmmmm...I'd tell you later!