Friday 31 December 2010

We need to be mindful of the friends we keep, we need to make sure that such friends are also friends to others before we let them be friends to us because in the real sense,there is no guarantee that the person that is bad to other people will be good to you. A bad person remains a bad person, we need to be watchful. The company we keep really tells a lot about us so we need to be careful of the people we keep as friends. We should note that we would never completely know a human being so we should be careful of what we say to them, they might use it against us someday, they might turn the table around and call us BACKSTABBERS. Inasmuch as we might meet bad people in life,there are still the good people,the true friends that don't change as seasons change, people that will always have our backs at all time. We should not be blind and not notice the good ones when they come around because they are few and we should grab them as they come. We would never meet perfect people because everybody has their different imperfections so we should also learn to appreciate their failings aswell. We should note the difference between a bad person and a good person..... We should always be on alert. Have a wonderful 2011. God be with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lyke your post. Som piple can act as different as they are. Hope you have your true friends with you. Stay with them through all weathers else you would regret it for the rest of your life.